Online CEU Courses

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Online CEU Courses

CEU Unit Courses for Acupuncturists & Massage Therapists

Also, Lay People & Other Professionals Take These Courses

Course Highlights

  • Qigong Exercises
  • Guided Meditations
  • Prescriptive Exercises
  • Medical Qigong Treatments Demos

Become A Certified Qigong Instructor

All of the 15 Unit CEU Courses listed below will meet 15 of the 50 hour requirement for any of our Certified Qigong Instructor Training Programs or Certified Medical Qigong Practitioner Training Programs. The first two were filmed at a live workshop (Alchemizing Stress & Ultimate Mind Body). The next two were filmed locally in Wilmington, NC, in our Qigong studio (Reducing Inflammation & Back Pain).

You are welcome to sign up for Level I first, or you are welcome to take one of these online courses first (you will be given a discount for Level I if you have already completed either of the two required online courses for level I (Golden Dragon Medical Qigong Intensive: Alchemizing Stress & Restoring Balance or Medical Qigong For Back Pain) you will receive a $199 promo code to sign up for Level I. Email us at [email protected] to ask for your promo code when ready to sign up for Level I.

2 Unit CEU Courses

2 Unit CEU Courses are in the AOM-AC Category for NCCAOM

15 Unit CEU Courses

15 Unit CEU Courses are in the AOM-OM Category for NCCAOM

Preview: Medical Qigong 8 Brocades for Longevity 15 CEU Online Course

Excerpt From Medical Qigong For Reducing Stress & Anxiety Online Course

Excerpt From Peaceful Warrior Online Course

Excerpt From Medical Qigong For Back Pain Online Course

Frequently Asked Questions

I am wondering if it is safe to do a Medical Qigong session or Qigong class with a pregnant woman? Thanks!!

Good question. When someone is pregnant relaxation and smoothness of flow is appropriate. So when doing Qigong simply slow and easy movements and breath. Nothing too dramatic like breath of fire or challenging Qigong poses for extended periods of time. Everything mindful.

The same is true for a medical Qigong treatment. Very smooth healing sessions – everything calming. You know if a pregnant person is receiving too much energy during a Medical Qigong session when they get stressed and overtly bumpy? Make sure everything is instead is smooth emotional, soft tears is fine. The emotional catharsis that is “bumpy” while pregnant as opposed to smooth is not recommended.

So watching and holding space and if things start building up, the breathing gets heavier or the blood is pumping harder or you see the face getting red then you need to back off and calm everything down down down. Bring energy back to the feet have the person open and close hands. Ground them. Coach them in a normal breathing pattern ” I want you to breathe in through your nose and slowly exhale through your nose and then mouth. Relax everything is ok.”

But if your paying attention there should be no problem. This isn’t going to happen right simply be watchful and work gently and do no harm..

I loved the online course Alchemizing Stress & Restoring Balance. Would you ever teach that one live again?

Thanks for asking this question. At this time we are only planning on teaching one live intensive course at a time each year or two and then filming the course in a studio. So, we do not plan on reteaching previous workshops from past years. We attempt to create a new course each year so that our students can still receive credit from the acupuncture and massage boards each year to renew their licenses.

Qigong Awareness Intensives are
Certified Through These Organizations

Texas Medical Board Logo
California Republic
CE Broker Logo

CEU Units for Acupuncturists & Massage Therapists

  • NCCAOM* - National Certification Commission for Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine - NCCAOM Provider #507
  • CA Acupuncture Board** - California Acupuncture Board - CA Provider #1156
  • NCALB - North Carolina Approved for Acupuncture through NCCAOM reciprocity
  • CE Broker - Florida & Georgia Acupuncture Board - CE Broker #50-18015
  • Texas State Board of Acupuncture Examiners - Provider #CAE00022
  • CTCMA BC – College of Traditional Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture for British Columbia through NCCAOM reciprocity
  • CAAA Alberta – College and Association of Acupuncturists in Alberta Canada through NCCAOM reciprocity
  • Acupuncture Council of Ireland – through NCCAOM reciprocity
  • NC, SC, CA, IL, NJ, ND, Approved for Massage Therapy*** through NCCAOM

*NCCAOM is the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine. We here at Qigong Awareness offer 15 PDA Points approved by NCCAOM in Core Competency in the AOM-OM Category. 

**CALIFORNIA ACUPUNCTURE BOARD. Qigong Awareness currently offers online and live continuing education units that meet the California Acupuncture Board Category 1 Requirements.  Every two years California Acupuncturists are required to have 50 continuing education units for license renewal.  The majority of the continuing education units must be taken in Category 1.  Only 5 units may be in Category 2.

***Massage Therapists! Depending on which state you reside in the NCCAOM approval actually gives many states approval for their Massage License Renewal. Check with your local state Massage Licensing Board for reciprocity with NCCAOM.

David J. Coon, Medical Qigong Master,
Head Instructor and Co-Founder
of Qigong Awareness, LLC.

Meet David J. Coon

Medical Qigong Master and Author

David is a Medical Qigong Master with over thirty years of experience facilitating healing for people using Medical Qigong. He is currently an accredited continuing education provider by the NCCAOM, Texas Medical Board, CE Broker, Florida State Board for Acupuncture, and California Acupuncture Board.

David is the author of Qigong For Beginners: Your Path to Greater Health & Vitality available on and David has also been featured on KGNU radio programs, in newspapers around the country, and has published articles in Magazines including “Medical Qigong and Acupuncture, A Cutting Edge Combination,” featured in Acupuncture Today.

When David was fifteen years old he was diagnosed with a severe spinal disease and told that he would be crippled by the time he was thirty years old. Unwilling to accept this fate, David began intensively studying Oriental Medicine, Medical Qigong, Martial Arts and Meditation.

David learned how to cultivate and direct the energetic life force called Chi in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Through Qigong practice, David healed his spinal disease completely! David also found that his mood, his attitude, his outlook on life, and his intuition had all increased exponentially. He was drawn to teaching and sharing these healing practices and spiritual counsel with others.

David also has a vast Martial Arts background with Black Belts in Karate, Tae Kwon Do and Kenpo Karate. He has been an Instructor of Jeet Kune Do and Filipino Martial Arts. He has also studied Japanese Ju Jitsu, Kung Fu, Small Circle Ju Jitsu, Aikido, Chen Style Tai Chi, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Pen Jak Silat, Kendo and more..

David’s Qigong Practices are underpinned by his Psychology degree from the University of Connecticut and three years of experience as a Professional Counselor in Louisville,Colorado.  He also spent three years at the University of Colorado studying Molecular and Cellular Biology to better understand the inner workings of the body on a cellular and biochemical level.

He has taught and lectured around the country to both lay people and professionals about the healing power of Qigong. David’s Qigong practices are now being practiced around the world. They are simple, effective and can be practiced by anyone at any age.

Alongside of his busy traveling, writing and filming schedule David offers Private Retreats, Webinars, and Distance Healing Program in Wilmington, NC.

Online Medical Qigong Training

Check out this preview of our Online Course: Alchemizing Stress & Restoring Balance. 

Incredible Online Intensives Reviews

WOW! I learned a lot…

I learned that the Chakra system and the endocrine system are inextricably linked. You can heal pain anywhere in the body by breathing into the heart. I can feel and witness the Kundalini shake in myself and my patients... WOW! I learned a lot and this intensive reinforced my belief in the way medicine should work for patients. Thank you.

Andrea Arteaga, LAc Carlsbad, CA May 23, 2017

Student Shares After Completing Medical Qigong & The Eight Brocades For Longevity Online 15 CEU Course with Qigong Awareness, LLC

Thank you for offering this course…

“I feel that the qi gong aspect of healing through acupuncture was neglected while in acupuncture school and also neglected while getting ceu's every year. We had one short course in tai chi while in acupuncture school and it was not at all as powerful as David's style of healing qi gong. Also opening the door to the study of quantum physics is the new frontier in medicine I believe. Thank you for offering this course.”

Margie Parolisi, LAc Tucson, AZ May 23, 2017

This course has given me some oomph!!

"I have been practicing Qigong sporadically for years for my own health and well-being. This course and the methods used have inspired me to use it in my therapy sessions. I know it is important to make it a practice to be that much more effective for my clients. This course has given me some oomph!! to follow this path more diligently. Thank you David!"

Roger Wood, Dipl. ABT (NCCAOM) Cambridge, MA May 23, 2017

Sifu Coon has lit a deeper fire in me to study medical qigong…

"Sifu Coon has lit a deeper fire in me to study medical qigong to the furthest extent possible. Thank you."

Luis Rivera, Jr. MS. Trainer, Health Coach, and Eastern Arts Therapist Chicago, IL May 23, 2017

Jennifer Tartakoff shares after completing Live Workshop with Medical Qigong Master, David J. Coon, Medical Qigong & The Eight Brocades For Longevity.

It has caused enormous positive shifts internally and externally in my world…

"The tools and techniques presented in this course were incredibly useful, but the energetic subtext has been even more valuable. It has caused enormous positive shifts internally and externally in my world, and built up my excitement to continue practicing. Thank you!"

Jennifer Tartakoff, LAc Southington, CT May 23, 2017

“I really appreciate the piece of practitioner exercises as sometimes we put so much effort into seeing clients and forget about ourselves”

"This was an excellent course. I appreciated that I could do the modules in one hour segments - because sometimes long weekend intensive courses can be, well too intensive. I really appreciate the piece of practitioner exercises as sometimes we put so much effort into seeing clients and forget about ourselves and we are a good part of the equation for healing. Thank you and I hope you will consider doing more of these for NCCAOM. I am an acupressurist and can see how medical qigong work can be useful for my clients!"

Jeanne Nelson, M.S. CAMTC, Dipl. Acupressure Reiki Therapist El Cerrito, CA May 23, 2017

I feel re-inspired about being a healer…

“I really enjoyed this course! I learned a lot and it also had a huge impact on my life. I feel re-inspired about being a healer and also about my personal cultivation. I have a lot more confidence in the power of qigong for self-healing and for healing others. Thank you!”

Joseph Moceus, LAc, Dipl.Ac. Corvallis, OR May 23, 2017

As a student from Brazil, I feel it’s great that an awesome course like this is available worldwide.

"Thank you for the opportunity to take these classes online. As a student from Brazil, I feel it's great that an awesome course like this is available worldwide."

Luciano S. Pinheiro Acupuncturist Sao Luis, Brazil February 2, 2018

Absolutely best course I have ever taken…

Absolutely best course I have ever taken. And I have studied energy work for decades. The subject matter is sorely needed, The management and self cultivation practices is very much needed by energy workers. The teaching style was thorough, direct and very much appreciated. Having taken so many professional courses I hate wasting my time in classes that net little information. I have incorporated what I learned from the Medical Qigong workshop last June in both my acupuncture practice and energy practices and it is making a. Profound difference. Thank you for making this available and offering it at an affordable price.

Brittney Kurello, LAc - Chinchilla, PA March 6, 2018

Thanks to David, my story is now a story of healing, health, and prosperity.

I have been training with David for almost a year now. When David moved to Wilmington, I had been practicing Qigong sporadically for a month or so with an instructor who was in David’s certification program. Qigong seemed cool, but I had not had any previous experience with energy work and was, admittedly, skeptical. However, I had had breast cancer 3 times and was fed up with the options that Western medicine offered. I was overwhelmed with side effects and took a handful of pills a couple of times a day. When the cancer returned the third time, I was medical retired from the Army and my physical condition has deteriorated from being very physically fit to barely being able to walk a mile.

In the past year, I have trained with David in Qigong classes, Intensives, and private sessions, as well as participating in his healing clinics. Since beginning training, I have been able to stop taking 7 different prescription medications, lost 20 lbs., can run 5 miles, and am a certified Level 1 Qigong Instructor. The difference in my physical, emotional, and spiritual well being has been phenomenal. David is an amazing healer, instructor, and coach. My story for the past 8 years has been a story of cancer. Thanks to David, my story is now a story of healing, health, and prosperity.

Melissa L. Culbreth, MDIV, MA, QI-50 - Major-retired, US Army, Qigong Instructor Carolina Beach, NC March 9, 2018


Medical Qigong, Acupuncture and Intuitive Healing are forms of alternative medicine and are not a replacement for Western Medical Treatment. We do not diagnose or treat health conditions. We rather support the body's ability to heal itself. Please consult your physician regarding any health conditions.