
Course Curriculum

This page provides a summary of the curriculum for the five levels of certification we offer.

The Five Certification Levels

All five certification levels make up our 300-hour Medical Qigong Practitioner Training Program. The first 200 hours of the program will earn you the Certified Qigong Instructor, QI 200 Certification.

Below you will see the breakdown of what is covered in each of the five levels of certification. Notice that throughout our training you will be learning both how to teach Qigong Exercises and how to give Medical Qigong Treatment Sessions.

Please email us at [email protected] with any questions regarding our Certified Qigong Instructor or Certified Medical Qigong Practitioner Training Program. 

Who should Get Certified?

This is an amazing certification for: Acupuncturists, Massage Therapists, Chiropractors, Physical Therapists, Nurses, Psychotherapists, Fitness Instructors, Qigong Instructors, Yoga Instructors, Martial Arts Instructors, Reiki Practitioners, other professionals, and laypeople will benefit from this teacher training program. No prerequisites are required.

Level I – QI-50

Course 1

Golden Dragon Alchemizing Stress & Restoring Balance

10 Qigong ExercisesGolden Dragon Alchemizing Stress Sequence
6 Medical Qigong Treatment TechniquesFor reducing blood pressure, calming the shen, increasing jing, and opening the heart.
8 Qi Building Practices For The Practitioner
Topics Covered

  • Healing Liver Qi Stagnation
  • The Endocrine System in relation to the dantiens and chakras
Guided Meditations

  • Laughter for Healing Liver Qi Stagnation
  • Heart Meditation

Course 2

Medical Qigong For Back Pain

21 Qigong ExercisesReducing Back Pain Sequence
3 Medical Qigong Treatment Technique FlowsFor reducing low, middle, and upper back pain.
Topics Covered

  • Physical Causes of Stagnation & Back Pain
  • Root Causes of Low, Middle, & Upper Back Pain
  • The Three Dantiens & The Three Treasures

20 Documented Practice Hours

  • 10 hours — Daily Qigong Exercise Practice
  • 5 hours — Qigong Instruction — Teach a 1 hour Qigong Exercise Class
  • 3 hours — Medical Qigong Session — Give a 1 hour Medical Qigong Session
  • 2 hours — Receive Medical Qigong Healing Session — One month of Distance Healing Program (Incl.)


  • 2 True False Exams — 70% required to pass. Students may take exam more than once if needed.

Level II – QI-100

Course 3

Golden Dragon Medical Qigong For Reducing Acute & Chronic Inflammation

12 Qigong ExercisesReducing Inflammation Sequence
10 Medical Qigong Treatment TechniquesFor reducing inflammation. Including Activating The Pituitary Gland, Balancing the chakra system, unwinding the lower dantien.
7 Practitioner Clearing Techniques
Topics Covered

  • Sources of Acute & Chronic Inflammation
  • Medical Qigong & The Mind Body Connection
Guided Meditations

  • Balancing The Endocrine System

Course 4

The Ultimate Mind Body Medicine

9 Qigong ExercisesUltimate Mind Body Medicine Sequence
5 Medical Qigong Treatment TechniquesFor clearing and tonifying the energetic field and balancing the thyroid.
Topics Covered

  • Benefits of Qigong Exercises 1-9
  • Medical Qigong the Ultimate Mind Body Medicine
2 Medical Qigong Treatment Warmups

20 Documented Practice Hours

  • 10 hours — Daily Qigong Exercise Practice
  • 5 hours — Qigong Instruction — Teach a 1 hour Qigong
    Exercise Class
  • 3 hours — Medical Qigong Session — Give a 1 hour
    Medical Qigong Session
  • 2 hours — Receive Medical Qigong Healing Session — One
    month of Distance Healing Program (Incl.)


  • 2 True False Exams — 70% required to pass. Students may
    take exam more than once if needed.

Level III – QI-150

Course 5

Medical Qigong For The Peaceful Warrior

12 Qigong ExercisesThe Peaceful Warrior Sequence
3 Medical Qigong Treatment TechniquesFor clearing the mind,
activating the upper dantien, and awakening the heart chakra and unwinding
the middle dantien.

Topics Covered

  • Benefits of Qigong Exercises 1-12
  • Medical Qigong & The Mind Body Connection

Guided Meditations

  • The Peaceful Warrior Meditation
  • Qi Ascension Meditation

Course 6

Reducing Stress & Anxiety

7 Qigong ExercisesReducing Stress Sequence
3 Medical Qigong Treatment TechniquesFor distance healing,
reducing anxiety, grounding and breathing techniques.

Topics Covered

  • Prescriptions & Benefits of Qigong Exercises 1-7
  • Reducing Anxiety & Depression

Guided Meditations

  • Reducing Stress & Anxiety Meditation

20 Documented Practice Hours

  • 10 hours — Daily Qigong Exercise Practice
  • 5 hours — Qigong Instruction — Teach a 1 hour Qigong
    Exercise Class
  • 3 hours — Medical Qigong Session — Give a 1 hour
    Medical Qigong Session
  • 2 hours — Receive Medical Qigong Healing Session — One
    month of Distance Healing Program (Incl.)


  • 2 True False Exams — 70% required to pass. Students may
    take exam more than once if needed.

Level IV – QI-200

Course 7

Medical Qigong & The Eight Brocades

8 Qigong ExercisesThe Eight Brocades Sequence
3 Medical Qigong Treatment TechniquesFor increasing the
practitioner’s awareness, healing power & presence.
Topics Covered

  • Teaching a 2 Hour Qigong Workshop
  • Benefits of Qigong Exercises 1-8
  • History of Medical Qigong & Longevity
  • Calming The Shen
  • Longevity & Energy Cultivation
Guided Meditations

  • Calming The Shen
  • Longevity

Course 8

Medical Qigong – Wei Qi For Greater Immunity

8 Qigong ExercisesWei Qi Sequence
3 Medical Qigong Treatment TechniquesFor tonifying Wei Qi, clearing stagnation, and building compassion.
Topics Covered

  • Benefits of Qigong Exercises 1-8
  • Wei Qi For Greater Immunity
  • Ahimsa & The Heart
Guided Meditations

  • Wei Qi

20 Documented Practice Hours

  • 10 hours — Daily Qigong Exercise Practice
  • 5 hours — Qigong Instruction — Teach a 1 hour Qigong
    Exercise Class
  • 3 hours — Medical Qigong Session — Give a 1 hour
    Medical Qigong Session
  • 2 hours — Receive Medical Qigong Healing Session — One
    month of Distance Healing Program (Incl.)


  • 2 True False Exams — 70% required to pass. Students may
    take exam more than once if needed.

Level V – MQP

Course Review

Review & Greater Depth of Courses 1-8

Specific Exercises & Techniques will be Highlighted from Courses 1-8 with more detailed demonstrations
Students will gain greater mastery over Qigong Exercises & Medical Qigong Treatment Techniques
Contraindications & Cautions related to Qigong Exercises & Medical Qigong Treatment Techniques
Proper Form & Technique
Topics Covered

  • How To Teach – 3 Hour Qigong Workshop
  • Let’s Talk Business
  • How To Promote Your Qigong Workshop
  • Having Healthy & Professional Boundaries
  • Building A Qigong Community
  • The Future of Medical Qigong

70 Documented Practice Hours

  • 25 hours — Daily Qigong Exercise Practice
  • 10 hours — Qigong Instruction — Teach a 1 hour Qigong
    Exercise Class
  • 25 hours — Medical Qigong Session — Give a 1 hour
    Medical Qigong Session
  • 10 hours — Receive Medical Qigong Healing Session — One
    month of Distance Healing Program (Incl.)


  • None required. — We recommend attending as many Live in person workshops, Live Weekly Qigong Classes, Live Webinars, Distance Healing Program Sessions, and Live one-on-one Sessions with David J. Coon as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will I learn Acupuncture Points?

The courses in the Certification Program primarily discuss the deeper energetic anatomy and energy pathways: this would include the chakra system, the three dantians and three treasures, and specific acupuncture meridians that are connected to “deeper” energetics like Ren, Du, and Chong Mai in connection to Ida and Pingala and Shushumna in the Indian System.

Certain acupuncture points are discussed as well as understandings related to different organs. But rather than going into all of them, there is an emphasis on certain extra potent places like stomach 36, also known as the three-mile point, and how this relates to deeper healing. As well as the yin tang brow chakra and others.
But again, emphasis is not on all points and meridians but rather focused on the deeper chi reservoirs in the body and the more primary energetic forces. Again those include deeper pathways and specific points associated with those pathways or energy vortexes.
Also, because many of our students are acupuncturists, they already know the acupuncture and acupressure points.
As far as the Medical Qigong technique, I typically demonstrate hands-on and hands-off techniques because some practitioners work with one more than the other. I will show hands-off and even distance healing but then typically address the massage therapist style of working and how to incorporate the technique and the acupuncturists who will be using needles.

If I have already taken one 15 CEU Intensive can I still take Level I All-Inclusive?

Yes! You will actually receive a $199 DISCOUNT if you have previously completed a 15 CEU Intensive with Qigong Awareness, LLC. The Intensive you previously took will replace one of the All-Inclusive Level I Intensives. Please email [email protected] with the name of the previous 15 CEU intensive completed and request for a $199 discount.

You will be sent a one-time promocode for a $199 discount to purchase Level I All-Inclusive Program if you have previously taken a Qigong Awareness 15 CEU intensive.

Because you have already completed one 15 CEU intensive you will only be required to complete one of the two required 15 CEU intensives for Level I. Please choose which of these you would prefer to take to complete your Level I certification. The other 15 CEU intensive will be removed from your Level I program.

Please choose one of these two:

  1. Golden Dragon Medical Qigong Intensive: Alchemizing Stress & Restoring Balance


  1. Medical Qigong For Back Pain

How often do you make a new Online Medical Qigong Intensive?

Every one to two years. We create a new Medical Qigong Live Intensive and then film it in a studio and then make it into an Online Medical Qigong Intensive.

How often do you make new Medical Qigong Live Intensives? 

Another great question. We make a new Medical Qigong Live Intensive every one to two years. You may repeat any of our Live Medical Qigong Intensives for additional Qigong Awareness credit towards any of our Level Programs. However the NCCAOM, CA Acupuncture Board, FL Acupuncture Board, CE Broker, FL Massage Board, and Texas Medical Board have approved each of our intensives to provide students credit only one time each.

So, I can keep making the 12 monthly payments for Level I: QI-50 and then begin Level II: QI-100?

Yes, you are welcome to do it that way also. You just won’t be able to officially graduate (and receive all final documents) from either level until final payment is received and you have graduated from Level I: QI-50.

If I plan to complete Level I: QI-50 quickly but I already started the monthly payments – how does that work? 

Great question. You may complete the Level I: QI-50 training before the 12 months of payments are done, however we will wait to send your official graduation and final documents until final payment is received. You may ask for a pay off amount if you would like to finish early. You may also begin Level II: QI-100 even before receiving your final documents for Level I: QI-50, but will not be eligible to graduate from Level II: QI-100 until you have officially graduated from Level I: QI-50.

How long does it take to complete Level I: QI-50, Qigong Instructor certification program?

In general about one year. If you take the Medical Qigong Online Intensive and one Medical Qigong Live Intensive close together, theoretically you could complete the entire level I, in just a few months. Also, if you have previously taken one of our Live or Online Medical Qigong Intensives then you may complete Level I in an even shorter time frame.

What if I want to take your entire program all 300 hours? Is there a discount?

We would love for you to take our entire Medical Qigong Practitioner & Qigong Instructor Certification Programs. At this time we are not offering additional discounts on the entire program. We do however offer discounts off of live intensives and our online courses.

Should I sign up for Level I: QI-50, Online Medical Qigong Intensive, or the Live Medical Qigong Intensive first?

The order is completely up to you. If you know for certain that you want to take the Level I All-Inclusive: QI-50, Qigong Instructor certification program then I recommend signing up for that first since it includes everything that you will need to complete Level I. However, if you begin with one of our 15 CEU Intensives either online, live or live webinar format you will receive a $199 discount off of Level I (compensation for substituting one of the online intensives included in Level I). You will also only need to complete one of the 15 CEU Online Courses that make up Level I.

Qigong Instructor

200 hr, Levels I – IV

Bring Qigong to your local Community by becoming a Certified Qigong Instructor

See Instructor Program

Medical Qigong Practitioner

300 hr, Levels I – V

All online program to earn the title of Certified Medical Qigong Practitioner

See MQP Program