About Us
High Quality Qigong and Medical Qigong Education
At Qigong Awareness, our Mission is to help you discover inner peace, greater levels of personal healing, and a deeper connection to the world around you through Qigong practice. Our high-quality Qigong and Medical Qigong Certification Programs will teach you how to heal yourself and facilitate healing for others. At Qigong Awareness, we instruct our students on how to offer weekly Qigong classes, workshops, and healing sessions in their local and online global communities.
“Be the change that you want to see in the world.”

David and Tanya Coon
Founders of Qigong Awareness LLC
Tanya, an Acupuncturist, and David, a Medical Qigong Master and Martial Arts Instructor, met in 2002 and connected instantly. Both recognized how perfectly their backgrounds and expertise blended together to offer the cutting edge combination of Acupuncture and Medical Qigong Treatments. They were married in 2004 in Hawaii.
Tanya and David discovered, through their 20 years of working together in private practice, just how powerful the healing results of combining both Acupuncture and Medical Qigong into one session can be. They realized their calling was to help people learn Medical Qigong and how to combine it with other therapeutic modalities such as Acupuncture, Massage Therapy, Physical Therapy, Chiropractic, and more.
Tanya and David have expanded their reach with nationally-approved continuing education courses across the country, to Acupuncturists and Massage Therapists, as well as lay people desiring to heal their minds and bodies through Medical Qigong practices. These courses are available as live weekend intensives and online courses.
In 2017 Tanya and David began offering a Certified Qigong Instructor Training Program and a Certified Medical Qigong Practitioner Training Program. Many of their graduates are already teaching at hospitals, businesses, corporations, retreat centers, recreation centers, schools and private healing centers. This will bring even greater healing and awareness, of Medical Qigong to our local communities and our nation as a whole
Qigong Awareness Intensives are
Certified Through These Organizations
CEU Units for Acupuncturists & Massage Therapists
- NCCAOM* - National Certification Commission for Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine - NCCAOM Provider #507
- CA Acupuncture Board** - California Acupuncture Board - CA Provider #1156
- NCALB - North Carolina Approved for Acupuncture through NCCAOM reciprocity
- CE Broker - Florida & Georgia Acupuncture Board - CE Broker #50-18015
- Texas State Board of Acupuncture Examiners - Provider #CAE00022
- CTCMA BC – College of Traditional Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture for British Columbia through NCCAOM reciprocity
- CAAA Alberta – College and Association of Acupuncturists in Alberta Canada through NCCAOM reciprocity
- Acupuncture Council of Ireland – through NCCAOM reciprocity
- NC, SC, CA, IL, NJ, ND, Approved for Massage Therapy*** through NCCAOM
*NCCAOM is the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine. We here at Qigong Awareness offer 15 PDA Points approved by NCCAOM in Core Competency in the AOM-OM Category.
**CALIFORNIA ACUPUNCTURE BOARD. Qigong Awareness currently offers online and live continuing education units that meet the California Acupuncture Board Category 1 Requirements. Every two years California Acupuncturists are required to have 50 continuing education units for license renewal. The majority of the continuing education units must be taken in Category 1. Only 5 units may be in Category 2.
***Massage Therapists! Depending on which state you reside in the NCCAOM approval actually gives many states approval for their Massage License Renewal. Check with your local state Massage Licensing Board for reciprocity with NCCAOM.
Medical Qigong, Acupuncture and Intuitive Healing are forms of alternative medicine and are not a replacement for Western Medical Treatment. We do not diagnose or treat health conditions. We rather support the body's ability to heal itself. Please consult your physician regarding any health conditions.