What Is Distance Acupuncture?

Distance Acupuncture is becoming more popular especially since the pandemic of 2020/2021. During a Distance Acupuncture Session, the Acupuncturist will talk with the client about symptoms and goals, by phone or zoom. The client is welcome to lie down or remain seated. The Acupuncturist will scan the energy systems of the client and then place the invisible needles for healing. Once the healing is complete the client and Acupuncturist will discuss the treatment, course of action recommended, and check in to see how the client has responded to the treatment.

During a Distance Acupuncture Treatment, Acupuncturists will use either an acupuncture doll, a sketch of the patient, or use themselves as a proxy. The Acupuncturist may incorporate the use of tuning forks, crystals, distance healing, or Medical Qigong to direct the energy to transform the imbalances and unwanted energies. Acupuncturists may also utilize Moxabustion to help tonify, strengthen, and calm the client.  With Distance Acupuncture the focus is on transforming blocks in the energy system.

Does Distance Acupuncture Work?

Yes, Distance Acupuncture Works! For hundreds of years, Distance Healing has been practiced in the East and more recently in the West. More and more research is recognizing that we are all joined through a fundamental connection. This connection allows for Distance Acupuncture to be transmitted over long distances.

I have noticed over the years that my clients sometimes respond instantaneously, but some respond a few seconds delay. Either way, they all have felt improvement. They are often more relaxed, tensions relieved, an improvement in aches and pains, mental clarity, and more, just as it would in an in-person acupuncture session.

Distance Acupuncture Course

Tanya is an expert in her field and instructs Acupuncturists on how to give Distance Acupuncture Treatments. This course is approved by The NCCAOM, Florida Acupuncture Board, Florida Massage Board, Texas Medical Board, California Acupuncture Board, and several other State Boards and International Boards. Here are a few testimonials from Acupuncturists that have studied with Tanya Mei-Tai Coon, LAc, M.O.M., Dipl.Ac.

“I found Tanya’s Distance Acupuncture course to be even better than I anticipated. It has not only helped with suggestions for new patients but shown me a new skill set that I wish to pursue. The instructor was lively, professional, and easy to understand. Thank you.”

Lynne Cannisi, LAc – Florida

“Tanya Coon’s Distance Acupuncture Course was clear, concise, and easy to follow.”

Neil R. Gumenick, M.Ac. (UK), L.Ac., Dipl. Ac., – Santa Monica, CA

“Tanya’s Distance Acupuncture Course was thoroughly enjoyable! The instructor balanced actionable steps with theory, allowing me to easily incorporate this into my telehealth practice.”

Dr. Dia Vickery, DACM, LAc, Dipl. O.M.(NCCAOM) – Woodland Hills CA

Was it difficult to obtain approval from the acupuncture boards?

Yes, it was challenging to obtain approval. My course application was rejected at first. It took three submittals before the national acupuncture board accepted the Distance Acupuncture Course.

Once the National Board approved my course the other state boards accepted it easily. I think what finally made the difference for the National Board was connecting the Distance Acupuncture to Medical Qigong which had already been approved for years and giving a list of reputable books that all have some reference to Distance Healing and/or Distance Acupuncture.

The board I believe was seeking proof that this form of healing was part of mainstream oriental medicine. I had other colleagues support me in finding all of these resources to prove its legitimacy. I am very grateful to Susan Gallagher and David J. Coon for their invaluable support.

There are more and more Acupuncturists offering Distance Acupuncture now. I hope that you find an Acupuncturist to assist you in healing if that is what you are seeking at this time. Prices range usually from $75-$300 per session in the USA for Distance Acupuncture currently in the year 2021.


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