June 20, 2023

Student Shares After Completing 21 Day Qigong Challenge

What I liked about this 21-day challenge was that it was non-intimidating (time-wise and money-wise) for someone who is just starting out. What I gained out of the investment is the consistency to practice Qigong every day, besides seeing the benefits of those valuable 10 minutes. I feel more energetic, calmer, and a better resolve to be able to handle life’s roller coaster ride. I also plan on incorporating them when I work with my clients coming in with anxiety, panic, and depression. We all deserve to be happy and healthy!

Thank you, David and Tanya, for creating such wonderful videos and spreading the goodness of Energy Sciences; a much-needed effort in the world order now.

Anu Krishna – Mind Coach, NLP Trainer, Healer – Bangalore, Karnataka, INDIA