I found David’s healing techniques to be on another level

I found David’s healing techniques to be on another level

May 30, 2024 Student Shares After Completing Level I Certified Qigong Instructor Training Program I’m an acupuncturist and herbalist here in NC, and I originally heard about David from a peer. I went to one of his events in person and was really grateful for the...
Teachings resonated deeply with me…

Teachings resonated deeply with me…

May 22, 2024 Student Shares After Completing – Live 15 CEU Workshop – Golden Dragon Medical Qigong Intensive – Reducing Acute & Chronic Inflammation Dear David, I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to express my heartfelt gratitude for...
David’s teaching is always spot-on.

David’s teaching is always spot-on.

January 22, 2024 Live 15 CEU Workshop – Wilmington, NC – Golden Dragon Medical Qigong Intensive: Reducing Acute & Chronic Inflammation David’s teaching is always spot-on. Everything makes sense, and he always answers every question asked. I really enjoyed...
How to get to the heart of what is needed.

How to get to the heart of what is needed.

July 18, 2023 Student Shares After Completing Live Workshop: Medical Qigong For The Peaceful Warrior – Calming The Heart & Mind The highlight of this workshop for me was tying the Medical Qigong teachings into spirituality in a way that was clear and...