From: $ 125.00 / month for 24 months

The Level V, 100 hr online program (300 hrs in total) is designed to be completed in two years or less*. You are eligible to take this program after completing Levels I-IV (200 hr) of the Qigong Instructor Training Program. After completing Level V, you will be given the title Certified Medical Qigong Practitioner – MQP through Qigong Awareness LLC.






The Level V, 100 hr online program (300 hrs in total) is designed to be completed in two years or less*. You are eligible to take this program after completing Levels I-IV (200 hr) of the Qigong Instructor Training Program. After completing Level V, you will be given the title Certified Medical Qigong Practitioner – MQP through Qigong Awareness LLC.

Pre-requisite: Successful completion of Levels I-IV.

This program will help you further develop your skills as a Medical Qigong Practitioner. You will learn how to refine and expand upon the Medical Qigong Treatment Techniques you have learned. You will learn proper technique and form, how to teach a 3-hour Qigong Workshop, business strategy, developing an online business, learning to offer online Qigong classes, creating a Medical Qigong Distance Healing Practice (virtually), marketing, building a Qigong Community (in-person & online), plus completing 70 documented practice hours. Whether you provide Medical Qigong Sessions as a stand-alone or in conjunction with your Acupuncture, Massage, Chiropractic, or other forms of practice, you will learn to take your healing to a higher level.

Grading System is pass/no-pass. This course is designed for motivated students. Complete all requirements on the checklist to pass this course. There is no testing, except for the online course intensives.

60 CEUs! – Acupuncturists & Massage Therapists: You can receive up to 30 CEUs for each level of our program. The approving boards are NCCAOM, FL State Acupuncture & Massage Therapy Boards, CA Acupuncture Board, and Texas State Medical Board.

*It is recommended to complete this Level in two years or less. The maximum allotted time period to complete this level is two years.

All students – laypeople and professionals will receive a certificate of completion from Qigong Awareness for each level of our program.

The Level V Program – 100 hrs (300 hrs Total)

  • 30 hours – Instructional Videos – Highlighting particular practices from each of the eight intensives that you studied in the first four levels. Greater detail, depth & insights will be shared to increase confidence and mastery of these exercises and techniques.
  • 25 hours – Documented Medical Qigong Sessions – give a one-hour Medical Qigong session. Document giving a session – with documentation template provided in your enrollment packet. These may include in-person sessions and virtual online sessions.
  • 10 hours – Documented Medical Qigong Sessions* –receive a one-hour Medical Qigong session. Document receiving a session – This all-inclusive program includes three months of our monthly distance healing program with David J. Coon. One month of distance healing equals four hours of receiving a Medical Qigong Session. So, within these three months, you will complete these ten documented hours. Please email us after registering your special healing request and picture (optional). You will then receive confirmation that your distance healing has begun for the next three months (the dates will be included in the confirmation. Please visit our Monthly Distance Healing Program page to learn more about how it works.
  • 10 hours – Documented Qigong Instruction* – Qigong Exercise Classes (Group & Private Instruction). These hours may be completed with any combination of the following documented classes: Teach an individual a private class or teach a group (2 or more people) a class.
  •  25 hours – Daily Qigong Exercise Program* – Practice Daily (1hr/day) Document your own daily practice.


Level V only $125/month for 24 months, a total of $3000

Or save 10% by prepaying Only $2700 if paid in full

Refund Policy: There are no refunds. No exceptions.

This all-inclusive training program includes:

  • Access to the online training portal
  • Monthly Distance Healing Program 3 Months – ($447 value)
  • Private Video Instruction with Master Instructor
  • Access to Private Qigong Awareness Facebook page for community support
  • Use of Certified Medical Qigong Practitioner logo – MQP 300 for marketing purposes
  • Free Lifetime advertising on Qigong Awareness website
  • Certificate of Completion emailed to you with title: Certified Medical Qigong Practitioner
  • (optional) Graduation – Social Media Announcement with your photo and/or small ceremony at the close of a Live Workshop
  • Another great value is that there are no membership fees, renewal fees, annual dues, or advertising fees! Once you are a Qigong Awareness Certified Qigong Instructor and Medical Qigong Practitioner, you will have unlimited access to advertise your Qigong Classes and Medical Qigong Healing Sessions on our Qigong Instructor and Medical Qigong Practitioner Directory at www.QigongAwareness.com website ongoing (no extra fee).

Instructor Bio

David is a Medical Qigong Master with over thirty years of experience facilitating healing for people using Medical Qigong. He is currently an accredited continuing education provider by the NCCAOM, Texas Medical Board, CE Broker, Florida State Board for Acupuncture and Massage Therapy, and California Acupuncture Board.

David is the author of Qigong For Beginners: Your Path to Greater Health & Vitality, available on Amazon. David has also been featured on KGNU radio programs and in newspapers around the country and has published articles in Magazines, including “Medical Qigong and Acupuncture, A Cutting Edge Combination,” featured in Acupuncture Today.

Alongside his busy traveling, writing, and filming schedule, David offers Private RetreatsWebinars, and Distance Healing around the country and beyond.


Additional information


Monthly ($125 / mo. – 24 months), Prepay (10% OFF)