Distance Acupuncture & Acupuncture

Sessions with Tanya

With Tanya Mei-Tai Coon, Licensed Acupuncturist

Specializing in Women’s Health Issues


Acupuncturist & President

Tanya obtained her Masters in Oriental Medicine Degree in 1999 from The Santa Barbara College of Oriental Medicine. She also holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration. She is a Nationally Certified Acupuncturist by the NCCAOM and holds a state license in North Carolina by the NCALB. She is currently the President and Co-Founder of Qigong Awarness, LLC, providing continuing education courses and certification programs to Acupuncturists & Massage Therapists.

Tanya has been a licensed Acupuncturist for over two decades. She is known for her gentle yet effective needling technique that she has developed over the years. She offers continuing education courses to Acupuncturists, instructing them in her special techniques. She also taught Massage Therapy, Anatomy, and Tai Chi in Southern California before becoming an Acupuncturist.

Tanya has a very diverse background in many forms of healing. Tanya’s healing journey began at seven years old after a car accident where she suffered severe whiplash. She found relief through the years from Acupuncture, Massage, Polarity, Medical Qigong, Tai Chi, and Cranio-Sacral Therapy.

Tanya pulls from her many years of training in Acupuncture, Auricular Therapy, Moxibustion, Cupping, Energetic Grounding, Polarity, Toning, Medical Qigong, Tai-Chi, Feng Shui, Royal Order, Holographic Repatterning and ties it all together with her compassionate and intuitive approach to the healing of the mind, body, and spirit.

Whether you are looking for guidance, grief support, relief from chronic pain, neck pain, back pain, shoulder pain, headaches, migraines, fertility support, digestive support, menstrual pain, female issues, anxiety, or elimination issues, Tanya is holding a safe and supportive space for you to begin healing.

Tanya resides near the ocean in Wilmington, NC, with her husband and daughter. She is currently offering Distance Acupuncture & Intuitive Healing Sessions via phone.

Services Offered

Dreamy landscape with a cairn and clouds


During an intuitive healing session with Tanya, she will begin by listening to any special requests you have for physical, mental, relationship, career, financial, or spiritual healing. Tanya will then scan your energy system for any blockages or deficiencies that are surfacing for transformation.

Tanya incorporates applied kinesiology muscle checking to confirm patterns, both unconscious and conscious, that are ready to be transformed. She will gently assist you in transforming past lives and generational patterns. 

Tanya specializes in transforming past lives – unwanted unconscious patterns and trauma from the past. These patterns hold a negative resonance in the body and the body’s energy systems. By bringing to light what is most important for you to know now about the past lifetimes and discovering what your unmet needs were from each lifetime, then transformation can occur. Tanya has a gentle approach to uncovering these past lives and thereby transforming these “tears of time”.  

Tanya utilizes Distance Acupuncture, Distance Moxabustion, Sound Healing, Energy Healing, and Medical Qigong as the healing modalities to transform the unconscious and conscious patterns. 

Tanya also incorporates Past Life Clearings, Royal Order, and Herbal Therapy. Each session is unique. Clients will often feel a greater sense of well-being: relief from aches and pains, calmness, a more positive outlook on life, greater happiness, profound gratitude, and more…

To Book an Intuitive Healing Session, please contact Tanya directly at 910-833-8036 or  [email protected]

Intuitive Healing Session – 90 min. – $300


Gentle Moon Acupuncture is located inside the beautiful Body Aligned Pilates Studio in Wilmington, NC. Our treatment room is designed to create a comforting and peaceful environment for your treatments. We are conveniently located on Wrightsville Ave, so you can easily stop into your Acupuncture Session. Free Parking right in front.

To Book an Acupuncture Session in Wilmington, NC please contact Tanya directly at 910-833-8036 or [email protected]

Acupuncture Session – 1 hr. – $150

Initial Acupuncture Session – 75 min. – $175

Jasmine flowers float on water. Relaxation concept






Royal Order is similar to Feng Shui with an emphasis on creating a life with Pristine Presence & Spaciousness. Tanya offers consultations for business and/or home.  

Royal Order for your place of business is important to bring greater flow and prosperity to you, your business, and your community. Did you know that there are certain areas of your physical space that, if transformed, can give you greater energy, time, and abundance? Tanya will help you to identify the areas that most need attention for you to reach your business goals.

Royal Order for your home will bring greater presence and balance into your life. Tanya will often create a plan for you with De-Cluttering instructions followed by Down-Sizing and re-purposing areas of the home or business. In our highly technological world, virtual clutter may also be addressed. 

Tanya will help you to have a clear plan to create a life with greater Royal Order, thus providing you a framework for greater balance, clarity, and happiness. 

To Book a Royal Order Session, please contact Tanya directly at 910-833-8036







stomach distress


chronic fatigue

sports injuries

pre and post sports activity

pre and post-surgery

back pain

neck pain

menstrual issues

morning sickness

fertility issues




gynecological issues

mysterious illness

and more…

Incredible Sessions Testimonials

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The holes in the heart were completely healed and the surgery was cancelled.

Our baby boy was born with holes in his heart like “Swiss Cheese,” the doctors said. At only eight weeks old he was scheduled to have open heart surgery in two months, at four months old. He was attached to an oxygen tank 24/7 and he would roll his head around as if he was in some sort of pain. After two months of regular work with David we took our boy in to check his heart. The doctors said some of the small holes had disappeared. They said that this was strange but that the heart still needed surgery. At four months we took him in to the doctors again and they were amazed! We were amazed! The holes in the heart were completely healed and the surgery was cancelled. The doctors asked us if we believed in a higher power. We told him yes we do, that higher power was whatever came through David.

Pam - Denver, CO December 9, 2019

…and even jogged for 20 minutes – haven’t done that in years.

After my first Medical Qigong treatment my energy level
surged on Sunday.  I suddenly could take my 8pm dance class after
working a full week (took 5 the first week) and even jogged for 20 minutes –
haven’t done that in years.”

Nancy Fuller, L.Ac., Dipl. Ac. (NCCAOM), MSOM, Live Well Acupuncture – Charlotte, NC December 9, 2019

…they called with my results today. My count has climbed up to 133!

Hey David.  Got some news today.

So I told you how my CD4 counts were dropping and I wanted to
reverse the trend by adding QiGong to my regimine.

Last November (2010) they were at 130.

This May (2011) they dropped to 110.

This Aug they dropped again to 95 – that’s when I got concerned.

I’ve been holding the intention since I started doing this
QiGong practice in September that I just wanted to reverse the trend.  I
was asking that my counts go back to at least 110 or higher on this next
doctor’s visit.

I went to the doctor’s last Friday and they called with my
results today.  My count has climbed up to 133!

Tony - Denver, CO December 9, 2019

…I feel a sense of euphoria and a deeper connection to life.

Whenever I go to David’s group healing clinics I feel a sense of euphoria and a deeper connection to life. I am truly amazed every time I experience this profound healing energy. I am so grateful.

Sharon Chung – Teacher December 9, 2019

Miracles can happen…

Healing Clinics are a great way to take a time out and boost your energy and calm the mind.  During the clinic, David can bring you to an elevated state of consciousness where healing of the mind and body can occur. I have been filled with profound energy and feel a sense of peace. As others in the room heal and transform the energy rises and you feel profound love. Miracles can happen...

Linda Whildin, MQP, Medical Qigong Practitioner, Massage Therapist – Boulder, CO December 9, 2019

Kai Baylis student of Qigong Awareness shares about Private Retreats, Live Workshops, Online Certification Program - Massage Therapist

True master. Like a real deal master!

Student Kai Shares after completing two Private Retreats with David J. Coon

I first met David through Live CEU Workshops for massage therapists, which was of great benefit. I quickly realized he was sharing something very potent. I chose next to take the Level 1 Qigong Instructor Certification Training Program. This took me to another level of personal integration. After witnessing some inner transformation of myself and those I’ve shared this art with, I opted to do private coaching calls and private retreats with David.

I can not express the potency and deep integration this has been for me. I was seeking safety in my own body (among other topics) as a woman in this world. I feel safe enough but also had this old story of not being safe. And frankly, I was mad about it. After working with David in only 2 private retreats, I have to say I have a DEEP sense of calm and knowing of safety I did not think was possible. David is a true master. Like a real deal master! If you are ready for a shift, get personal time and attention in a private retreat and bask in his vibration.

Kai Amanda Baylis, LMT - Raleigh, NC

Kai is a Qigong Instructor, Licensed Massage Therapist, Certified Tantric Yoga Instructor, and Raw Food and Cancer Coach. Visit her site - The Living Room

July 29, 2022

Nicole McIntyre Combined Acupuncture & Medical Qigong Session Healing Back Pain

Working with David and Tanya has saved me from having back surgery!

Working with David and Tanya has saved me from having back surgery! I was in such immense pain with a herniated disc, and having BOTH Tanya and David work on me in tandem has helped ease my pain and has enabled me to travel across the world to start my new job without having to take time off to get surgery. The intense and concentrated healing from them together is powerfully healing and beyond words.

Nicole McIntyre, International Elementary School Teacher - Saudi Arabia

September 19, 2022


Distance Acupuncture and Intuitive Healing are forms of alternative medicine and is in no way a replacement for Western Medical Treatment. We do not diagnose or treat health conditions. We rather support the body’s ability to heal itself. Please consult your physician regarding any health conditions.


Medical Qigong, Acupuncture and Intuitive Healing are forms of alternative medicine and are not a replacement for Western Medical Treatment. We do not diagnose or treat health conditions. We rather support the body's ability to heal itself. Please consult your physician regarding any health conditions.