
Inspiring Testimonials From Our Qigong Community.

How was your Qigong Experience?

Kai Baylis student of Qigong Awareness shares about Private Retreats, Live Workshops, Online Certification Program - Massage Therapist

True master. Like a real deal master!

Student Kai Shares after completing two Private Retreats with David J. Coon

I first met David through Live CEU Workshops for massage therapists, which was of great benefit. I quickly realized he was sharing something very potent. I chose next to take the Level 1 Qigong Instructor Certification Training Program. This took me to another level of personal integration. After witnessing some inner transformation of myself and those I’ve shared this art with, I opted to do private coaching calls and private retreats with David.

I can not express the potency and deep integration this has been for me. I was seeking safety in my own body (among other topics) as a woman in this world. I feel safe enough but also had this old story of not being safe. And frankly, I was mad about it. After working with David in only 2 private retreats, I have to say I have a DEEP sense of calm and knowing of safety I did not think was possible. David is a true master. Like a real deal master! If you are ready for a shift, get personal time and attention in a private retreat and bask in his vibration.

Kai Amanda Baylis, LMT - Raleigh, NC

Kai is a Qigong Instructor, Licensed Massage Therapist, Certified Tantric Yoga Instructor, and Raw Food and Cancer Coach. Visit her site - The Living Room

July 29, 2022

Tricia Miller LAc Acupuncturist and Student of Qigong Awareness Shares after taking Live 15 CEU Workshop Eight Brocades

…pure inspiration. Thank you!

Tricia shares after completing - Live 15 CEU Workshop - Medical Qigong & The Eight Brocades For Longevity

I get more out of Qigong Awareness CEU Workshops than ALL the CEU classes I've taken since 1987. David's knowledge and compassion are pure inspiration. Thank you!

Tricia Miller, LAc - Wilmington, NC

This Workshop also has an online version: Online 15 CEU Course - Medical Qigong & The Eight Brocades For Longevity


July 11, 2022

Lara Diaz LAc shares after completing Medical Qigong For The Peaceful Warrior Online CEU Course with David J. Coon Qigong Awareness

…feeling David’s Qi! Even over the internet!

Student Shares after completing Medical Qigong For The Peaceful Warrior - 15 CEU Online Course

I love Qigong with David! He is a great teacher and his Qi is powerful!

The highlight of the course for me was feeling David’s Qi! Even over the internet!

I am looking forward to getting my 200 hr Qigong Certification with Qigong Awareness, LLC.

Lara Diaz, LAc, Dipl OM - Asheville, NC


To Learn more about the course click here: Medical Qigong For The Peaceful Warrior - 15 CEU Online Course

June 27, 2022

Tina Vecera Licensed Acupuncturist shares after completing Medical Qigong Online Course Wei Qi For Greater Immunity with Qigong Awareness, LLC

..deepened my qigong practice in new ways

Student Shares after completing Online 15 CEU Course - Medical Qigong - Wei Qi For Greater Immunity

This Wei Qi class deepened my qigong practice in new ways and gave me a heightened sense of qi expansion with some techniques verging slightly deeper into martial arts than expected. Now I have a clearer sense of my Wei qi fields!

Many thanks, David!

Tina Vecera, L.Ac. - Bandon, Oregon

Please click here to learn more about our Online Course - Medical Qigong - Wei Qi For Greater Immunity

June 15, 2022

Inna Engler Licensed Acupuncturist - Shares enthusiastically after taking Medical Qigong For The Peaceful Warrior 15 CEU online course

In deep gratitude for this course…

Student Shares After Completing Online 15 CEU Course - Medical Qigong For The Peaceful Warrior

After listening and learning from this instructor I completely changed my opinion about Qigong. Before I didn’t have any interest, but now I do have the interest to continue learning.

The highlights of the course for me:

1) Self-evaluation of which chakra I am spending most of the time in. And where I will end up after a physical death.

2) One Mindedness technique

3) There is nothing to protect - Light within a Vessel

4) Climbing the chakras up from fear to awareness and unconditional love in the 4th chakra

In deep gratitude for this course…🙏🙏🙏

Inna Engler, Master in Oriental Medicine - Scottsdale AZ

To learn more about this course click here: Online 15 CEU Course - Medical Qigong For The Peaceful Warrior

June 14, 2022

Sally Adams RN LAc student of Qigong Awareness, LLC and David J. Coon shares after completing Wei Qi Live CEU Webinar

I always look forward to…

Student shares about taking Live 5 CEU Webinar - Medical Qigong - Wei Qi For Greater Immunity

I always look forward to David’s QiGong seminars and Wei Qi For Greater Immunity was another wonderful useful and insightful teaching. Thanks so much for being here for us!

Please click here to learn more about our Live 5 CEU Webinar - Medical Qigong - Wei Qi For Greater Immunity

June 13, 2022

Andrew Greenberg Acupuncturist and Student of Qigong Awareness Shares in a testimonial

I highly recommend this course

Andrew Shares After Completing Online 15 CEU Course - Medical Qigong & The Eight Brocades For Longevity

I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to strengthen their qi and especially Acupuncturists who are looking for ways to expand their offerings and healing powers to their clients.

Andrew Greenberg, Master of Acupuncture, Qigong Level 1 Healer - Toms River, NJ

June 9, 2022

Amiee Rebecca Tabatzky shares after completing Distance Acupuncture Part 2 with Tanya Mei-Tai Coon, LAc

I got inspired as to how I could offer Distance Healing sessions

Student Shares After Completing Distance Acupuncture Course: Part 2

I enjoyed Tanya's intuitive and comforting demeanor. The demonstrations provided a framework with which to begin offering Distance Healing Sessions. I got inspired as to how I could offer Distance Healing sessions via this format.

Amiee Rebecca Tabatzky, LAc - San Diego, CA

Online 2 Unit CEU Course: Distance Acupuncture – Part 2 

May 25, 2022

Student Shares After Completing Medical Qigong & The Eight Brocades For Longevity Online 15 CEU Course with Qigong Awareness, LLC

..more vitality and energy to give to my practice

Student Shares After Completing Online 15 CEU Course The Eight Brocades For Longevity

Each time I take one of David's courses, I feel it makes me a better practitioner of Acupuncture and Qigong and benefits me with more vitality and energy to give to my practice.


I feel the Eight Brocades Qigong Exercises are a terrific way to start my morning, and then I like to practice again in the afternoon. The exercises are easy, and I can do them outside in the fresh air. I also invite students to do them with me.


David, for me, this is your best effort yet. I refer all of my patients to your website, hoping they will embrace Qigong. I always give them a simple Qigong Exercise for whatever issues they are having. Also, I have forwarded an email to them regarding your Qigong Summit so they can get an introduction to your Qigong.


Margie Parolisi, Ph.D., LAC - Tucson, AZ

Click Here To Register For This Online 15 CEU Course: Medical Qigong & The Eight Brocades For Longevity

May 9, 2022

Qigong Awareness, LLC graduate student shares after completing Level II with Instructor David J. Coon

I don’t think I would be surfing at all if it weren’t for qigong!

Student Completes Level II Certification Program

I am fascinated by everything I am learning and now teaching. I look forward to continuing my education and cultivating greater skills in the coming year. I truly love the work your family is doing. It has changed my life for the better. I don't think I would be surfing at all if it weren't for qigong! So, thank you from the bottom of my heart. 🙏
Keith Chisholm, QA Engineer at nCino, Inc., QI100 Certified Qigong Instructor - Wilmington, NC

Certification Programs

Certified Qigong Instructor and Certified Medical Qigong Practitioner Programs Link:
There are 5 Levels currently in our Qigong Certification Programs. The entire Medical Qigong Practitioner Program is 300 hours in length. The Certified Qigong Instructor Program is 200 hours in length. Each Level is 50 hours in The Certified Qigong Instructor Program. Our certification programs are online; however, we highly recommend joining us at live events as well. We have Live Webinars, Live Workshops & Live Free Events.

May 6, 2022

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