
Inspiring Testimonials From Our Qigong Community.

How was your Qigong Experience?

Jasmine flowers float on water. Relaxation concept

I loved this course…it felt like “home”

Mary took Tanya Coon's Online Distance Acupuncture Course...

I loved this felt like "home". I love your energy and was amazing.

Really Really Loved It!!!

Thank You!


Mary Kathleen Miller, LMT, Aromatherapist, Energy Healer - Mullica Hill, NJ August 3, 2020

I feel quite comfortable starting to offer Distance Acupuncture now.

Elaine completed Online Course: Distance Acupuncture & How To Successfully Treat Needle Sensitive Patients

The course was enjoyable, accessible, and relaxing. Thank you so much for developing and sharing this. I feel quite comfortable starting to offer Distance Acupuncture now.


Elaine Wagner, DC, LAC - Evanston IL July 29, 2020

Thank you for helping other acupuncturists to offer out-of-the-box services needed during this pandemic time

Ann Lee took Online Course: Distance Acupuncture & Successfully Treating Needle Sensitive Patients

Thank you for helping other acupuncturists to offer out-of-the-box services needed during this pandemic time. That way we can continue to serve our communities in creative ways!



Ann Lee, ND, L.Ac - Lancaster, PA July 27, 2020

red mandala with butterflies and flowers

A phenomenal course on every level…

A phenomenal course (The Ultimate Mind Body Medicine Online Course) on every level...  David embodies by example his teachings, mirroring for each participant not only the dance of balance between Mind, Body, Emotions and Spirit, but also the importance of living with intention and humility. I have attended several of David's courses, and each has benefited my life and path of service tremendously. For those truly dedicated to bringing heaven onto earth, within themselves and their lives, relationships, communities and beyond, I highly recommend David, Tanya and their work! So many blessings to all!


Lily Abboud, JD, L.Ac., M.A. - Asheville, NC June 29, 2020

Tina Vecera Licensed Acupuncturist shares after completing Medical Qigong Online Course Wei Qi For Greater Immunity with Qigong Awareness, LLC

My moderate-level back pain-with-movement improved to mild after practicing the first six exercises…

David is a phenomenal Medical Qigong instructor! His style is uplifting and invigorating. My moderate-level back pain-with-movement improved to mild after practicing the first six exercises along with the video. The instruction throughout this offering about the emotional and spiritual origins of pain and Medical Qigong remedies provided a fulfilling series for me and my healing work with clients. Thank you!

Tina Vecera, L.Ac., - Bandon, Oregon June 24, 2020

Tina Vecera Licensed Acupuncturist shares after completing Medical Qigong Online Course Wei Qi For Greater Immunity with Qigong Awareness, LLC

…will be lovely to offer to the community!

These distance acupuncture techniques will be lovely to offer to the community!

A very nice offering at this time! Thank you!

Tina Vecera, L.Ac., - Bandon, Oregon June 15, 2020

Lorinda Morimoto

I have renewed energy to bring to the people I serve. 

Thank you. I’ve enjoyed and benefited so much from this Peaceful Warrior Webinar Series and look forward to the next part. Even though I’m 72 I have no plans to retire any time soon. I’m getting prepared to reopen my practice after having to close both because of Dept. of Health mandate and because I have been recovering from coronavirus. I have renewed energy to bring to the people I serve.

Be well.

Lorinda Morimoto, LAc - Groton, MA June 15, 2020

Michael T. M. Clark

After taking the course I feel empowered knowing I have something valuable to share…

Tanya's Distance Acupuncture course came at a perfect time. With the current state of things a good number of patients have temporarily discontinued treatment. Though they've all communicated they miss their acupuncture greatly and can't wait to get back, they're unsure of when they'll feel safe enough to return. Their health concerns still need assistance and their stress levels have increased due to isolation and fear.

After taking the course I feel empowered knowing I have something valuable to share with them. I also now feel confident in applying my intuitive skills from afar and provide those patients a distant acupuncture experience I feel resembles an in-office treatment (with the added bonus of not having the usual abrupt shift back to reality when having to drive back to work or home). I switched over to using an extremely gentle needling technique myself as you shared for the last few years and my patients absolutely love it (they barely feel anything plus still the same great results).

I did also just take the Medical Qigong Intensive: The Ultimate Mind Body Medicine which I feel prepared me well for this class. I will definitely be taking more classes with Tanya and David - I am grateful for their positive impact on my and my patients' lives. Thank you!

Michael Clark, MSTOM, RAc, Dipl.OM - Northville, MI May 28, 2020

This course has been for me a true life and game-changer

David's Qi Gong course was the best I've personally ever had. I feel I have much greater respect for the practice of Qi Gong as well as for my own abilities as a Qi Gong and Traditional Chinese Medical Practitioner. As I open myself and become more receptive to assistance I can honestly say it's amazing the profound effect that deciding to let go of control and resistance to change can have on one's life. I will definitely be doing more courses in the future and have already incorporated Qi Gong with each of my patients. This course has been for me a true life and game-changer. Thank you!



Michael Clark, MSTOM, RAc, Dipl.OM - Northville, MI May 21, 2020

Student Shares After Completing Medical Qigong & The Eight Brocades For Longevity Online 15 CEU Course with Qigong Awareness, LLC

David has made a significant contribution to my own health and the health of my clients.

My practice of qi gong with David has made a significant contribution to my own health and the health of my clients. I find that for most people I treat, they tend to embrace it slowly and as they start feeling the benefits over time and recognizing the benefits to their bodies and spirits, they embrace the movements more and then become interested in living a healthier lifestyle in general.


Margie Parolisi, LAc - Tucson, AZ May 13, 2020

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